Frequently asked questions

Can you describe the difference between each program in short summary.

The Initiator

This program is for those who need to begin the journey but is self-motivated and quick to adapt to the process of journeying to wholeness.

The Mediator

This program is for those who struggle with being doubleminded, backslide, no proper plan and execution in place to help maintain the journey to wholeness. The roots are hidden and need help bringing them to the surface. There is strongholds and hinderances and wounds but the trauma is hard to process alone in three month time frame.

The Interrogator

This program is for those who have deeper strongholds, paralyzed, and can not become unstuck due to the view of God, self, and others deeply. This is a person who doesn’t feel they have value, identity, purpose, and have a harden heart towards God and people.

Can I book a time and then pay later?

No, if you’re attempting to purchase a paid package your appointment will not be secured until you’ve completed checkout including payment.

Will I be automatically billed for my subscription or payment plan?

Yes, if you have purchased a subscription or payment plan the payment will be charged to your card each month automatically. Look for a receipt from Stripe.

How can I change my credit card?

To change the credit card being billed for future payments, go to the Packages page and click on the name of the package you want to modify the credit card for. You will see an option to do so.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Go to the Package page and click on the name of the subscription package you want to cancel to find cancellation options.

How do I cancel my payment plan?

Payment plans are an agreement to pay the entire amount and cannot be self-cancelled until the plan is complete. Reach out to your provider to discuss your situation.

How do I cancel an appointment?

Go to Appointments and click the name of the appointment you’d like to cancel, then click the red “Cancel this appointment” button at the bottom of the screen.

How do I reschedule an appointment?

Go to Appointments and click the name of the appointment you’d like to reschedule, then click the “Reschedule” button at the bottom of the screen.

How do I change or fill in my survey answers?

Go to Packages, click the name of the package, and find the survey you’re looking for. Once you click the survey, scroll all the way to the bottom to find a “Modify answers” button.

How can I share a file with my coach?

To share a file, link or video with your coach login at the Client Portal and click on Content. You can choose from Add link or video or Upload file to share privately with your coach! They will get an email notifying them that something has been added.

Client’s Access To Paperbell Login

Website- Client must type in or go to

o Steps To Login- Once you enter website address, screen should prompt you to enter in your email addressed you used to book your appointment, purchase course, or any other program. (Note: If you use two different emails with the same name, your account will not merge but instead each email address will have its own access providing each purchase under that email account.)

After entering email a confirmation code will be sent to the email and access should be provided upon code being entered.

o Screen Account Should Reflect Tabs At The Top Of Page

Tabs Include: Appointments, Packages, Content, Surveys, and Shop (Shop is to purchase another package, course, or program from the site)

Appointments Tab Include -Upcoming and Past Appointments

Summary Tab Include- Purchase

Content Tab Included- Files, Surveys, and Contracts With Package. The Coach will share uploaded content for client to review and client is alos able to upload content for Coach to re view.

Survey Tab Include-Testimonial Feedback Form, Contract, and Intake Questionnaire Form

Client Update Information -Email, Phone Number, Time Zone, and Profile file in the right-hand corner clicking the icon at the right with the initials. The drop-down box will reflect settings, provider, changer provider, and sign out.